BCDC Picnic and Open House

Brown Club of Washington, DC

Arlington, Virginia, United States

May 21 2022, 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time

BCDC Picnic and Open House
Gravelly Point
George Washington Memorial Parkway
Arlington, VA 22202
BCDC Memberfree
BCDC Non-Member/Guest$5

Warm weather is finally upon us, which means more opportunities to mix and mingle outdoors with fellow Brunonians! Please join BCDC for our riverside Spring picnic and open house at Arlington's Gravelly Point (adjacent to National Airport). We’ll break bread, sip drinks, and raffle off some Brown and Rhode Island swag-- all with the scenic backdrop of planes landing and taking off just beyond us!

On top of reconnecting with fellow Brunonians from throughout the DC area, it's also a great opportunity to celebrate the past year as we look toward a new BCDC board come July, and to share your ideas about what the year ahead should include. We'll also share ways to get involved in growing our local Brown community.

Our picnic spread will feature summery fare and RI classics, including ice-cold Del's Lemonade!!! We'll also raffle off a mixture of Brown swag and Ocean State standbys--think coffee milk syrup and more! All that is included with registration, which is FREE for current BCDC members, and $5 for non-members and guests. Friends, family, and pets are most welcome! 

Not a BCDC member yet, or need to renew (since we last solicited dues in 2020)? Please head to the BCDC website's membership page for more information.

Please bring your own picnic blanket and chairs, and look for the Brown banner and pennants! Attendees are also kindly asked to adhere to all BCDC policies. Stop by for a bit or linger as long as you'd like. In the case of inclement weather, registrants will be notified via email and we'll reschedule for the raindate of Saturday 6/4.


Options for getting to Gravelly Point

Gravelly Point is located just off the George Washington Memorial Parkway, just north of National Airport. There’s plenty of parking, and it’s on the Mt. Vernon Trail for those who wish to bike or come on foot! (There's also a Capital Bikseshare dock at the park, and it's only a 15 minute bike ride over the river from The Wharf.)

The park is also just a 15 minute walk from the National Airport metro station. If you still need or want a ride, let us know, and we’ll see if we can arrange for a carpool with other registrants!


See Who's Coming

  • There is no current public registrant list available.